Views from SIEW Thinktank Roundtables D, E, F: Decarbonising the Global Energy Economy

by Usha F Oct 28, 2021, 17:00 PM

In the next round of SIEW Thinktank Roundtables, industry experts examined how countries can speed up the transition to a green economy, improve energy access, and realise ASEAN’s net-zero ambitions.

SIEW Thinktank Roundtable D, hosted by the Asia-Europe Foundation, examined how countries can reset and restructure their economies to accelerate the transition to a green economy.

During SIEW Thinktank Roundtable E, co-led by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS), industry leaders discussed the policy and technological options available to improve energy access worldwide.

The British Chamber of Commerce Singapore hosted SIEW Thinktank Roundtable F, highlighting the potential pathways to meet ASEAN’s regional ambitions on net-zero.

Industry experts explored Asia’s role in the global energy transition, and the options available, such as hydrogen and carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) technologies.

What are the trade opportunities on the journey to decarbonising ASEAN? Energy stakeholders observed how ASEAN is building its sustainable infrastructure to meet its net-zero ambitions.

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