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SIEW Energy Insights

ORGANISER Energy Market Authority
DATE 23 October 2024
TIME 10:00 – 12:30 hrs
VENUE Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Singapore

SIEW Energy Insights features presentations on the latest projects, innovations, and report launches by renowned international organisations, energy thought leaders and industry players. This year, SIEW Energy Insights will feature presentation from Concord New Energy.

Puah Kok Keong, Chief Executive, Energy Market Authority

The panel will explore the potential of regional interconnectivity in driving sustainable growth and development. Our esteemed panelists will delve into the opportunities and challenges of fostering closer ties between neighboring regions, shedding light on the economic, social, and environmental implications of enhanced connectivity.

This discussion aims to further explore the multifaceted dimensions of natural gas in the context of the global energy transition, fostering a comprehensive and nuanced dialogue on its role and implications.

  • How can governments and industry stakeholders collaborate to ensure that natural gas contributes positively to the energy transition while minimising its environmental footprint?
  • What are the potential scenarios for the long-term role of natural gas in the global energy mix, considering the rapid advancements in renewable energy technologies and the evolving policy landscape?
  • What are the social and economic implications of transitioning away from natural gas, and how can these be managed to ensure a just and equitable energy transition for all stakeholders?
  • What are the implications of natural gas pricing dynamics, market volatility, and supply chain resilience on its role in the global energy transition, and how can these factors be managed effectively?
  • What are the potential implications of natural gas infrastructure investments, such as pipelines and liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals, on long-term energy transition strategies and the resilience of energy systems?

Presented by:


Dr Chen Shengjun, Chief Technological Officer and Vice President, Concord New Energy

Giorgio Fortunato, Head of APAC Data Center Energy, Google

This session spotlights the role of women in driving innovation across the sustainable energy technology spectrum, the diverse contributions of women in driving the transition to a connected and sustainable energy world, fostering inclusive leadership, and advancing innovative solutions for a more resilient and interconnected energy future.

  • What unique perspectives and approaches do women bring to the development of sustainable energy technologies, and how can these diverse viewpoints drive innovation and creativity within the energy sector?
  • How can organisations and institutions create inclusive environments that foster the retention and advancement of women in technical and engineering roles for sustainable energy innovation?
  • What role do you see women playing in shaping the future of sustainable energy?
  • What are the key opportunities for women to lead in innovation and transformation within the sector? 

This panel aims to explore the role of international organisations in advancing the twin goals of decarbonisation and regional interconnectivity. Discussions will delve into the opportunities and challenges associated with mobilising capital for cross-border energy infrastructure, including the development of innovative financing mechanism and risk mitigation strategies. Additionally, the panel will discuss the importance of capacity building, how international fundings can bolster technological integration to enhance project viability and sustainability, in supporting regional energy integration efforts.

  • What are the primary challenges countries face in accessing and effectively utilising funds from international organisations, and how can processes be improved to enhance accountability, as well as to design effective monitoring and evaluation frameworks for measuring project impact and progress?
  • How can international organisations provide comprehensive support, including technical assistance and capacity building, to ensure the effective utilisation of funds and promote sustainability of projects, while collaborating to prevent duplication of effort?
  • What assessment criteria do international organisations currently use to determine which projects to finance and how can these criteria be refined in light of recent developments and global challenges? 
  • What are some financial instruments and funding mechanisms, and how can they effectively achieve intended outcomes for the energy transition?

*Programme is subject to changes.

Delegates have the option to purchase tickets for the SIEW Energy Insights separately or opt for a Package to enjoy additional discounts for the SIEW TechTable and SIEW ThinkTank Roundtables. Learn more about the pricing and packages.

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